There are a myriad of islands in the Mediterranean, but only one does Aphrodite, the ancient Greek goddess of love call home, and that's Cyprus. At 3,572 square miles, Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean and a safe destination. With its legendarily mild climate and 340 days of sunshine a year, Cyprus is an all year round destination.
Cyprus is a haven for archaeology lovers. From Neolithic settlements more than 10,000 years old, to spectacular Greco-Roman ruins, such as the ancient amphitheater of Kourion, to Crusader fortresses such as Kolossi Castle, the list of treasures is boundless.
By no means will you want to skip Pafos, a wellspring of antiquities on the western flank of the island. The mysterious Tombs of the Kings...and Roman mosaics that are so colorful, extensive and well-preserved they are all recognized by UNESCO. Although Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean, it is surprisingly compact and easy to explore. In between rugged mountain peaks and the shimmering coast you'll traverse untrammeled landscapes and rolling hills with vineyards that still produce the world's oldest named dessert wine, sweet Commandaria. Linger in idyllic villages such as Omodos and Lefkara where the rhythm slows down and there's always time for another coffee. All across Cyprus, you'll have the opportunity to experience a distinctive cuisine composed of meze, small plates of everything from flame-grilled, delicately spiced meats to fresh vegetables, fish and amazing cheeses, such as the famous halloumi (the savory sheep's cheese that grills).
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To get to Cyprus from North America, travelers, make an easy connection through any number of European gateways: London, Amsterdam, Athens, Paris, Rome, Vienna or Frankfurt, to name the more popular among them. The island is also visited by many international cruise lines as part of a Mediterranean cruise and many Cypriot cruise companies offer cruises to nearby destinations such as Israel, Egypt and the Greek islands.
With its rich past as anchor, Cyprus is also a thriving modern nation and the Cypriot people, worldly and warm, are only too happy to share it with you. Cyprus's location, coveted by empires since ancient times, is still ideal today for visiting nearby countries, such as Greece, Israel and the Greek islands. But with so much history to see and culture to enjoy and cuisine to savor – and with Aphrodite at your side as your guide – you will have more reasons to stay and explore Cyprus than you might think.
For more information on Cyprus and to plan your trip please visit our web site:
Source: Cyprus Tourism Organization [June 17, 2013]
VIA «Experience Cyprus»