- Hermes Cape Cod watch
- Pantone Chair (with covetable shoes artfully arranged on top)
- Leopard print shirt
- Miu Miu croc-print wallet (in beige) and key fob
- Gareth Pugh Scythe ring
- Mr Molly cat*
- Chic but Edgy cropped hair**
Oh, and could I please live in Paris as well?!
I met Luxembourger Anne-Catherine, a 1st year fashion design student at ESMOD in Paris, back in March at fashion week. She had that gamine/Audrey Hepburn/Mia Farrow/Audrey Tautou look going on... not to mention the fact that she bears a remarkable resemblance to Natalie Portman (does anyone else think that?). We kept in touch (Anne-Catherine writes the funniest emails that make me giggle out loud) and when I went to Paris for men's fashion week we took the opportunity to meet up and do a little shoot together.
Despite the heat, time constraints (I was worried about missing my train), and running up and down stairs doing outfit changes, we had a fantastic time. Anne-Catherine is one of those girls who you just know you would have played well with in the sandpit at kindergarten... although probably she would have been the one with the cooler play-clothes and haircut ;)On the Velib bikes (has anyone tried the Barclay's ones in London yet?), Anne-Catherine was wearing leopard print shirt from H&M, shorts from Ralph Lauren and gold Vivienne Westwood Anglomania wing platforms (which she de-winged for the photographs).
At the bookstore: vintage blouse and belt, Topshop skirt and Zara limited-edition wedge peep-toes:
Anne-Catherine's t-shirt and skirt are from The Kooples (who are apparently opening a London store really, really soon-I thought it was later this month, or maybe early next month), ring from Gareth Pugh, and her booties were a gift from her best-friend's mother who no longer wanted them. Sweet!

The two little critters in the photograph 2nd from right (bottom) are called Smithers (on left- after the Simpsons character) and musungue. Have to love a girl who isn't afraid of having her childhood toys photographed :) And I will perhaps admit that any time I travel, I take along my stuffed toys (those who used to follow me on flickr will have spied them in photos). God forbid the day I have to open my suitcase for inspection at the airport- acute embarrassment sure to follow! Some people take Diptyque or Tocca candles travelling with them... I take WWW, Tilly and Snickety!

*Molly actually lives in Luxembourg with Anne-Catherine's parents so he wasn't actually at our little shoot (much to my disappointment!). So Anne-Catherine sent me this cute photo instead.
**Okay, so this is NEVER going to happen after my one disastrous short hair moment (complete with perm!) but I adore Anne-Catherine's bowl/undercut hair.