Adore her shoes- I can't figure out where they are from. Need Tommy Ton (Jak&Jil) sitting next to me- he is like a walking encyclopedia of all things fashion!

Mood: Ever so slightly tetchy and very, very tired.
Reason/s: I received a ticket to the House of Holland show which was on this afternoon. So I duly fronted up with my little handkerchief/scarf thing (which was the ticket) and stood shivering in the cold waiting to get in along with everyone else. As I was contemplating/daydreaming about just how many more thermals I could reasonably squeeze under my See By Chloe dress without bursting the seams, I suddenly hear the music start pumping. What the??!!! Nooooo the show had started and I was still on The Outside. I surged forward with the rest of The Outsiders but, alas, according to the PR the show was "massively over-catered" and there was no way we would be able to squeeze in. Right. Excellent.
So I headed home. And had my lunch at 6:30pm. And now I am having dinner at almost 11:3opm (seared scallops, chorizo and samphire- sort of like very young asparagus- with lemon in case you were wondering!).