Stockholm Street Style...Anna Anna Wahlin. Love her puff-shoulder dress and especially the loose plaits in her hair- I think it gives the directional dress a softer, more girly look. The print reminds me of Christopher Kane's leopard print or the Stephen Sprouse Louis Vuitton leopard print. p.s. Visiting Stockholm in the depths of winter means not a lot of daylight (which makes it a little bit difficult for photographs if you only use natural light) but one of the upsides is that a lot of the shops have gorgeous little lanterns outside which they light as soon as darkness falls. So pretty. Oh yes, and then there is the prospect of spending hours tucked away in cosy cafes slurping enormous bowls of hot chocolate (Chokladkoppen in Gamla Stan), eating fantastic warming meals at Nytorget Urban Deli in SOFO (the staff are lovely- as is everyone I encountered in Stockholm- and the smörrebröd set dish at lunchtime is fantastic value) and sipping champagne at the Bollinger Champagne Bar at the Hotel Stureplan. My favourite stores?: Fifth Avenue Shoe Repair, Acne, Grandpa, Pitt Stop, Tjallamalla, Byredo perfume store... and plenty more that I didn't note down in my moleskine.