The ever beautiful Hanneli Mustaparta on the streets of Soho, New York, wearing smooshy, velvety goodness from H&M... and Zara shoes... oh yeah and that little 'ole Alexander Wang handbag ;)
Hanneli was another person I just randomly bumped into in Soho! Sometimes it really does feel like a small world out there... p.s. Did not desert blog readers again for frolic overseas! Nope, just had a DISASTER... computer hard drive died.
Had bad, burny feeling after my last blog post that something DISASTROUS was going to happen so made sure all my photos were backed up to my external hard drive. Sure enough, 2 days after I did that I was sitting at the computer clacking away when I hear "clunk, clunk, whirp, burp, ker... plunk" and windows (I use a PC- yes, yes I KNOW I need a mac stat! No need to remind me of the obvious :) throws up some weird message and then everything goes black. As did my mind. Lots of huffing, puffing, choice words, panicked phone calls to my computer technician later (am I the only one who has a computer technician on speed dial?) and it was obvious that my computer had breathed its last little RAM-y breath. Probably just to spite me because it senses how much I despise it.
All my photos were safe (thank the Lord for my external drives) but my operating system, photoshop, lightroom etc all had to be reinstalled... oh and appear to have lost all of husband's i-tunes purchases :( Complete and utter nightmare- I almost need a vodka gimlet just thinking about it... Anyhow, I am back up and running again BUT if you are reading this and thinking gee, I haven't backed up to an external drive for awhile.. DO IT, DO IT NOW!