Running With The Fash Pack... London Fashion Week SS 2010The gorgeous Apphia Michael from Wallpaper magazine. Apphia always manages to look stylish but I particularly liked the way she teamed these three pieces together: the flowing skirt, top and skinny fluro belt. Not in a million years would I have thought of mixing these three pieces together but on Apphia it worked. The skirt looked fabulous when she walked... it sort of wafted behind her: a cloud of peachy, silky fabric. p.s. Mmmmm okay, big apologies-I snuck away to Paris without so much as an au revoir! But, crikey, Paris Fashion Week... I only shot for one full day (on Wednesday) plus the Chloe show on Tuesday and Giles on Thursday because I was in Paris sightseeing with a friend from Australia but WOW, Paris Fashion Week: INCROYABLE! It is like London Fashion Week on crack-I can't even begin to describe how crazy it is. I didn't take that many photos because I was ever so slightlyoverwhelmed by it all and got a touch of camera-stage-fright/performance anxiety but I did get to catch-up with lovely people I met in London and also met some great new people as well. Tomorrow I will start posting the Paris photos I did manage to snap :) Thank you to everyone who left comments on my blog as well and have emailed me- you guys have been so patient and lovely. Merci beaucoup!