Street Style... Splashes of RedI love it when people I photograph "get"* what I am trying to do and both Rebecca (above) and Alexandra (below) do. Probably because they are used to being photographed for style/fashion blogs... I know that Rebecca has already been stopped once before this week by a FSWC (Fashion Stalker With Camera). Apart from the red accents, I love Rebecca and Alexandra's choice of footwear: Purple booties and fringed boots (which I think Alexandra said were from All Saints or maybe Topshop? Note to self: need to record things more accurately). *um, mostly this translates to understanding my vague and often faintly ridiculous attempts to show them how I want them to "pose" in the photo. Most of the time my ideas for "poses" ( I am struggling for a better word but can't think of one — strike a pose is only cool when Madonna is singing it) don't really work BUT once the person starts moving and relaxing that's when I normally "get the shot".