This is the scene which greeted Mr Messy as he came home with the groceries this afternoon...he walked in, took in the set which had mysteriously appeared in the 15mins since leaving home and ruefully shook his head. I could just about hear his thoughts processing...oh god, what is she doing now? is that a new red suitcase? I wonder how much that cost? is the rabbit (WWW) going to catch fire? where the heck is the fire blanket? do we even have a fire blanket?! oh dear, I really hope she doesn't blog about this... (since launch of my blog each time we have a "disagreement" I threaten to blog about it. hee hee!)
Of course, I just smiled super sweetly and kept snapping away thinking how cool it is to finally have an audience for my "mucking around" photos- the stuff I shoot when I have a hot flash of inspiration and feel like doing something creative.
Anyway, so yep, the little red port* is the newest addition to my props collection and is a sneak preview of what I will be using in my shoot tomorrow with a wee little girl called Eleanor and her mum, Jane. I am extremely excited about our session and have lots of ideas for the shoot which will (hopefully) go to plan if the weather holds. I have been obsessively checking Metcheck over the last few days and keeping my fingers, toes, legs, arms crossed that it doesn't rain. Cloudy I can deal with (great light for photos) but rain? not so much**
Eleanor's mum and I have been emailing back and forth preparing for our session. I can't wait to meet Eleanor as she sounds exactly like my kind of gal. When I asked her mum what sort of things she likes doing, top of the list (currently) is beetle hunting!!! Apparently this involves a wooden spoon, the park, and a fair amount of dirt- happy days indeed!
*is port an Aussie term or do other people use this term for suitcase as well? I think it is rather sweet and reminds me of my grandma- she always used to talk about "packing/carrying her port", never her suitcase :)
**just checked Metcheck for the 50th time today and was rudely informed that "weather details currently unavailable"!! What the?
***phew, Metcheck now back on line and the weather man predicts...wait for it... SLEET!